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$(".zoomWindowContainer,.zoomContainer").remove(); $(img).elevateZoom({ zoomType: "inner", cursor: "crosshair", zoomWindowFadeIn: 500, zoomWindowFadeOut: 750, }); } ); //Elevate Zoom if ($(".product-image-slider").length) { $(".product-image-slider .slick-active img").elevateZoom({ zoomType: "inner", cursor: "crosshair", zoomWindowFadeIn: 500, zoomWindowFadeOut: 750, }); } //Qty Up-Down $(".detail-qty").each(function () { var qtyval = parseInt($(this).find(".qty-val").val(), 10); $(".qty-up").on("click", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); qtyval = qtyval + 1; $(this).prev().val(qtyval); }); $(".qty-down").on("click", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); qtyval = qtyval - 1; if (qtyval > 1) { $(this).next().val(qtyval); } else { qtyval = 1; $(this).next().val(qtyval); } }); }); // Init function billed checkBilled(); checkBilled2(); })(jQuery); // Check billed function checkBilled() { var checkBox = $("#cb_billed_type"); var forMonth = $(".for-month"); var forYear = $(".for-year"); for (var i = 0; i < forMonth.length; i++) { if (checkBox.is(":checked")) { forYear.eq(i).addClass("display-year"); forMonth.eq(i).removeClass("display-month"); } else { forYear.eq(i).removeClass("display-year"); forMonth.eq(i).addClass("display-month"); } } } // Check billed Pricing 2 function checkBilled2() { var checkBox = $("#cb_billed_type"); var forMonth = $(".for-month"); var forYear = $(".for-year"); var billMonth = $('.text-billed-month'); var billYear = $('.text-billed-year'); for (var i = 0; i < forMonth.length; i++) { if (checkBox.is(":checked")) { forYear.eq(i).addClass("display-year"); billYear.addClass('active'); billMonth.removeClass('active'); forMonth.eq(i).removeClass("display-month"); } else { forYear.eq(i).removeClass("display-year"); billMonth.addClass('active'); billYear.removeClass('active'); forMonth.eq(i).addClass("display-month"); } } } //Perfect Scrollbar if ($(".mobile-header-wrapper-inner").length) { const ps = new PerfectScrollbar(".mobile-header-wrapper-inner"); 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